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GreenHack People – Mentors, Jury, Organizers

You can see profiles of the mentors who will help you with your hack as well as judges & organizers:

GreenHack Mentors

Anna Plechata Krausova (Keynote)

Chancellor of NEWTON University

As the Chancellor of NEWTON University, Dr Anna Plechata Krausova leads the institution with a vision rooted in global academic excellence and practical application of knowledge. With a DPhil from the University of Oxford, where she has held various roles since, her research expertise spans protest movements, democracy, risk management, and multicultural dynamics with a particular emphasis on business and management contexts. Currently, she is exploring theories of authenticity and leadership in phenomena ranging from protests to marketing.

Jitka Čejková (Jury)


Jitka Čejková is an associate professor at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of Chemical Technology in Prague. Her research interests include artificial life and droplets as liquid robots. She is the editor of the book „Karel Čapek’s R.U.R. and the Vision of Artificial Life“, published in Czech under the title Robot 100.

Ludmila Hruban (jury)

Academic Director

At NEWTON University, she is moving her professional career to the field of language development and education in international business as Academic Director for International Programmes and Language Centre in 2023. During her academic career at NEWTON University (formerly NEWTON College) since 2013, she was behind the birth of the marketing specialisation for undergraduate, graduate and professional programmes. Ludmila teaches and supervises marketing studies and supervises theses. As a marketing consultant she focuses on Czech and European consumer behaviour trends, creative advertising, sustainability not only in the fashion industry and start-up projects.

Jenda Perla (Jury)

Executive Director

Jenda co-leads a business platform Změna k lepšímu (Change for the better) connecting innovative companies that support sustainable economic transformation of Czech Republic. Previously, he worked as a marketing and commercial leader in B2B technological startups and scaleups. From the next academic year, he’s also bringing his experience to the syllabus of the NEWTON University.

Christopher Svitok (Jury)


Christopher is a seasoned professional specializing in Data & AI at Accenture and the founder of Swapnito. With experience in over 15 hackathons and case competitions, he has a strong background in IoT research and development and is also an alumnus of 180DC.

Lucie Loučková (Jury)

ESG & Corp. Relations Manager

Lucie Loučková first established herself in the CSR field within the banking sector, focusing on preventive projects and reducing the carbon footprint. Since 2022, she has been working as the Manager of ESG & Corp. Relations at Tesco, where she is responsible for sustainability and ESG reporting. Besides managing numbers, she is dedicated to food waste prevention, community support, and other projects promoting the company’s sustainable goals. She is one of the faces of sustainability. At home, she avoids waste, and she commutes to work by bike.

Filip Procházka (Jury)

Co-founder, Chief Product Officer, and Member of the Board

Software architect and product owner of advanced solutions for new era of energy. Experience with more than 20 projects for energy companies in Europe. Co-author of several European research projects. Author of Embedded Energy Intelligence solution, modelling tool Fugu (FUture Grid Usage) and product modelling tool Elements. Architect of the largest smart grid project in the Czech Republic, which is now processing more than 300 million measurements from energy grid per day.

Michal Sikyta (Jury)

Investment Director at Soulmates Venture

Michal seeks and supports driven founders with innovative approaches – always interested in discussing your ideas. He is an investment director at Soulmates Ventures, an accelerator and VC fund focused on sustainable innovations across the CEE region. In supporting founders and the sustainability community generally, he is involved in the Green Innovation Academy, a non-profit platform founded by Soulmates Ventures. Michal founded Flüchtlinge Willkommen Österreich and has been heavily involved in the expansion of the project throughout Europe. He was behind the development of the non-profit projects PROSA, HOME or work:in. Michal studied Political Science at the University of Vienna and International Relations at Oxford University.

Pavol Hejný (Jury)

Co-founder of the H-du and

Pavol is the co-founder of the H-Edu teacher platform and online virtual whiteboard He has worked on projects for the Czech Ornithological Society and has also developed the online game Towns and many other projects in the past. He has spoken at various conferences such as DevConf, LinuxDays, OpenAlt, Czech VR Fest, Frontendisti,, Jobs Dev, etc. He has organized several technology conferences himself, co-organized hackathons and participated in many startup competitions as a mentor and judge. He keeps up to date with technology events in the Czech Republic and sends a monthly email to people who are interested about the most interesting events on

Tomáš Studeník

Radical Innovator & City Hacker

Tomáš Studeník is a radical innovator and urban hacker.He runs innovation consultancy boutique Insane Business Ideas. He was named TOP IT Czech Personality of the Year 2020 by Computer World magazine. Tomáš is the author of THEaiTRE project, where artificial intelligence wrote a play 100 years after the premiere of Karel Čapek’s R.U.R. In 2022, Tomáš founded Caelestinus Incubator for helath tech startups. In 2023, Tomáš published a new book „The Art of Failure“, which he wrote together with Prof. Josef Hynek, the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics and Management at the University of Hradec Králové, with whom he teaches a one-semester course in Science of Failure.

Tomáš Bort

Business Program Manager


Tomas has an extensive experience in DWH/BI and data integration, program and project management, coupled with strategic vision and leadership skills. In Mycroft Mind he is accountable for delivery management and program and portfolio management. He also leads and manages Mycroft Mind's participation in IPCEI on Microelectronics and Communication Technologies program. With a track record of leading successful projects, Tomas provides decisive guidance and a proactive approach to tackle any challenges you encounter during GreenHack call.

Tomáš Gregorovič

Product Owner

Tomas is a passionate Product Owner with experience in analytics, development, marketing, and digital product management. He currently works at Mycroft Mind on a European program for microelectronics and communication technologies, where he focuses on building innovative solutions that address current environmental challenges. He also has a keen interest in AI and its implementation to daily processes.

Filip Krůta


Filip Krůta is the director of the EcoTech Hub in CzechInvest’s largest project, the Technology Incubation, to which he brought his experience in building industrial innovation clusters. Prior to CzechInvest, he worked his way through corporate, startup, event and life abroad. His fields of expertise were automotive, engineering and strategic projects. Now, within the EcoTech Hub, he is committed to supporting innovative startups and partners in the fields of sustainability, ecology and circular economy.

Zuzana Drhová

Expert on sustainability and circle economy at Prague Innovation Institute

Expert on sustainability and circle economy
Zuzana is a deputy director of the Prague Innovation Institute and specialist in sustainable urban
development, circle economy and strategy governance. Experienced in NGO management, EU
cohesion policy and Smart City agenda. In 2021 she was responsible for the preparation of the
Strategy „Circular Prague 2030“ with focus on circular building industry, food and agriculture in the
city, circular water and prevention of wastes. She leads the city platform for urban innovations under
the Prague Innovation Strategy (RIS3 strategy) with aim to initiate new innovative projects
supporting Prague sustainability and resilence.

Václav Gregor

CEO & Partner at Soulmates Ventures

Vaclav is someone who puts emphasis on building relationships and creating value for his network by helping founders grow. After his exit from his tech company focused on influencer brands he steered his focus toward not just profit, but purpose-profit driven startups, by designing an accelerator program at Soulmates Ventures where he is partner and CEO. Soulmates Ventures accelerator team helps ambitious founders scale their products to global market and becoming number one. The program provides nuts and bolts from brand development that captures your audience eyes to financial planning that your investor board will love. We don’t just mentor you, we build it for you.

Šimon Kos

Co-founder of

Šimon graduated FA CTU, he is practicing architect with a background in parametric scripting and artificial intelligence. He co-founded and co-created the public service PrahaBot, which provides an AI-enabled knowledge base of city documents, manuals, methodologies and regulations in the form of an informed conversational AI assistant.

Filip Řehořík

Partner Development Manager

Filip has always been interested in information technology. Both the actual software development and architecture design, as well as who the customer is, how the product is used, where there is room for innovation and how it all works from a business point of view. After trying out several of my own projects and roles for Czech companies, he has been developing cooperation with Microsoft partners for the last 15 years. Recently, these have been mainly areas related to AI and the scaling of sales and shortening the business cycle.

Marek Miltner

Sustainable AI Pioneer

Marek is a trailblazing Sustainable AI Pioneer with extensive experience in academia and industry. Currently, he is a Senior Researcher of AI for Sustainable Energy Transformations at Stanford and Czech Technical University. Previously he spent several years as CTO and Head of Engineering at various international startups, leading the development of user-friendly products that harness the power of generative AI. His standout projects include heading the development of Czechia’s first autonomous racecar, introducing the world’s first text-to-UI-prototype tool, or leading the IT/AI transformation of a major European pharma company. With a passion for AI and GreenTech, he leverages his expertise to drive innovation and create a positive impact of AI for the world in the field of sustainability.


Tomáš Žídek

Head of Innovation and Scouting

Head of Innovation and Scouting at Škoda X. Tomáš leads a team of experts in developing and delivering digital solutions for the automotive industry and mobility sector.

Jan Železný

eMobility Manager

eMobility Manager at ŠKODA X. Jan leads projects focused on EVs, decarbonization and EV ecosystem helping to create a sustainable future for EVs.



Roman Gdovjak

Country Manager for Slovakia & Expansion Manager at

Country Manager for Slovakia & Expansion Manager at

Roman is a Country Manager for Slovakia & Expansion Manager at – green-tech start-up and trading platform with focus on circularity in waste management. In the European biggest recycling platform, waste of one company could be a wealth for another one and when using machine learning, Cyrkl can manage the right match. He has been focusing on the topic of circular economy for a couple of years now, in the start-up world, but prior to Cyrkl, also in public administration and NGO sector. In public administration in Slovak Environment Agency, he was responsible for the topic of Sustainable consumption and production, while also representing Slovakia’s circular economy activities in Brussels and organising an international conference for Eco-innovation. He is a graduate of the University of Economics, where he focused on International economic relations.

Tadeáš Kula

CEO and founder of Reknihy

CEO and founder of Reknihy

Tadeáš Kula is the CEO and founder of the startup Reknihy. It is a digital platform that allows people to efficiently sell books lying unused in their library. Tadeáš is a web designer, which, apart from UX, is his primary speciality. He started his business career very early – at the age of 13 when he managed and owned popular game servers. As a teenager, he was still creating websites or participating in the expansion of FaceUp abroad. Tadeáš gifted the creation of Reknihy as his 22nd birthday gift to himself. As he says, it was born out of his own need to send his books out so that someone else could be enriched by them and save the environment at the same time.

Radek Hartman

Member of the Board of Directors

Member of the Board of Directors

Graduating from the Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Radek further completed an MBA program specializing in strategic and change management at the Sheffield Business School. He has held managerial positions at companies including Arthur Andersen, MONDI Štětí, Cap Gemini, CE WOOD, U & SLUNO, and Ernst & Young Czech Republic.

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